” Le Conservatoire National des Données 3D SHS est un environnement de sauvegarde sécurisé pour les données 3D, soutenu par Huma-Num.
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Archives de catégorie : Publication Consortium 3D SHS
3D Consortium: Creation, scientific use and archiving of 3D data for Humanities and Social Sciences
“Dariah annual Event 23- 24 mai 2018. The 3D Consortium, accredited in 2014 by Huma-Num, brings together eleven partners working in the field of archaeology and cultural heritage and who already have experience of using 3D technologies and producing 3D models in the scientific context of Humanities and Social Sciences. From 2014 to 2017, the 3D Consortium’s activities and research results focused on the elaboration of a 3D glossary, open source tools development (archiving software and 3D viewer) and also production of a white paper which analyses the requirements for 3D in HSS…”
A scientific network serving the uses of 3D humanities
” The 3D Consortium of the TGIR Huma-Num has been created based on the observation that there are many initiatives around 3D for the Digital Humanities without real coordination between them. The proliferation of initiatives makes the task difficult and only a consortium-type organization can bring together forces in order to define standardized solutions. The difficulty is increased by the fact that we are dealing with multiple domains, combining science and technology with the humanities. ..”