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[Thèse]Les automates dans l’antiquité : sources, fonctions et restitution virtuelle

“Les Grecs et les Romains ont développé et décrit un grand nombre d’automates utilisant des systèmes d’écoulement d’eau, la compressibilité de l’air, la force de la vapeur, des systèmes de contrepoids etc. Cependant, la plupart des traités techniques portant sur ce sujet ont aujourd’hui disparu, seuls ceux de Philon de Byzance et d’Héron d’Alexandrie nous sont parvenus….”

[Article] A Robust and Versatile Pipeline for Automatic Photogrammetric-Based Registration of Multimodal Cultural Heritage Documentation »

“Imaging techniques and Image Based-Modeling (IBM) practices in the field of Cultural Heritage (CH) studies are nowadays no longer used as one-shot applications but as various and complex scenarios involving multiple modalities; sensors, scales, spectral bands and temporalities utilized by various experts. Current use of Structure from Motion and photogrammetric methods necessitates some improvements in iterative registration to ease the growing complexity in the management of the scientific imaging applied on heritage assets…”


“In 2010 an Italian team started new on-field investigations in the area of the Sun Temple of Niuserra, 6km south of the pyramids of Giza. The archaeological research was planned to re-examine the monument after its discovery in 1898. The work was mainly aimed at a general evaluation of the archaeological structures, still visible, in order to establish an updated plan of the temple. More than 100 scans and several 3D models by close-range photogrammetry have been acquired, processed and integrated to virtually reconstruct the archaeological area. To manage all available 3D datasets, allowing to propose new hypothesis about the monument, a BIM has been developed. Thanks to this approach different categories of environmental and technological objects have been created and analysed. The paper deals with the recent achievements, especially regarding the hierarchical conceptualisation of the architectural components. In particular, the contribution dwells on the analysis of the monument starting from the identification of a parametric library built on the semantic decomposition of the 3D replica….”

[Article] Towards a digital archaeological archive: the case study of the artefacts of the area of fori imperiali

“The following research aims to exploit the low-cost technologies, for the survey and mapping of historical archaeology in the Roman context. The main purposes of the research is to implement a large-scale survey campaign to understand the geometry and the materiality of the artefacts examined. Three-dimensional survey from photography, allows an immediate mapping of the materiality, of the degradation and of the architectural elements characteristic of the architecture in question. From the model it is possible to obtain an image that is faithful to the reality that can be the basis for developments in many disciplines such as, for example, in the restoration project, for the material analysis and the mapping of the degradation. The applications for this type of mapping are numerous, one of those proposed in this research concerns the virtual musealisation of historical artifacts. More and more in recent years, museums are exploiting the capabilities of three-dimensional modeling software of architectural elements to interactively convey architectural elements. A methodology of work that in recent archaeological excavations is not based solely on the didactic divulgation of the history of a place, but during the excavation phase on the mapping and cataloging of uncovered finds…”

Le Conservatoire National des Données 3D SHS

“Que faire, que FAIR de ses données une fois un projet terminé ? Comment assurer leur pérennisation ? Désormais le chercheur en SHS qui produit au sein de son projet de recherche un résultat en 3D dispose d’un outil pour le stocker de manière pérenne dans l’esprit de la Science Ouverte. Cet outil est le Conservatoire National des Données 3D SHS….”