Archives de catégorie : Calendrier événement

[Événement ] 19th Eurographics Workshop on Graphics and Cultural Heritage

“The EUROGRAPHICS Workshop on Graphics and Cultural Heritage (GCH) aims to foster an international dialogue between ICT experts and CH scientists to have a better understanding of the critical requirements for processing, managing, and delivering cultural information to a broader audience….”


[ Appel à communication] REAACH-ID

“REAACH-ID (Representation for Enhancement and management through Augmented reality and Artificial intelligence: Cultural Heritage and Innovative Design) SYMPOSIUM. La réalité augmentée (AR), comprise dans son sens le plus large comme un outil permettant d’accéder à une connaissance plus approfondie de l’espace existant et des artefacts qu’il contient, propose une voie alternative d’analyse et de communication qui est de plus en plus utilisée dans différents champs disciplinaires. ..” 

[Événement]Journée de lancement de l’EquipEx+ ESPADON

“Lauréat de l’A.M.I. Équipements Structurants pour la Recherche du PIA3, coordonné par le C2RMF et porté par la Fondation des Sciences du Patrimoine (FSP), le projet d’EquipEx+ ESPADON (« En Sciences du Patrimoine, l’Analyse Dynamique des Objets anciens et Numériques ») organise sa journée de lancement le lundi 28 juin 2021….”


[Conference] Exploring the Potential of 3D Imaging within the Repatriation of First Nation Cultural Material

“Abstract : In its historical process of internal colonization, the Canadian government enforced the elimination of the rights and cultures of Indigenous Peoples. This included the confiscation of objects with sacred value, which have since been housed in museums both within Canada and abroad…”


“Digital interfaces enable communication between humans and machines, especially computers, by translating signals and providing capacity for the interpretation of information. They facilitate work in digital environments and can take on many different forms, ranging from command line interfaces (CLI) to 2D graphical user interfaces (GUI) or immersive 3D (Augmented/Virtual/Mixed Reality) ….”

[Conference] EuroMed2020 Digital Heritage Conference

“The 8th biannual European-Mediterranean (EUROMED) conference is co-organised by the UNESCO and the EU ERA Chairs on Digital Cultural Heritage. It brings together multidisciplinary researchers, policy makers, professionals, fellows, practitioners and stakeholders to explore some of the more pressing issues concerning Cultural Heritage today. In particular, the main goal of the conference is to focus on interdisciplinary and multi-disciplinary research on tangible and intangible Cultural Heritage, using cutting edge technologies for the protection, restoration, preservation, massive digitisation, documentation and presentation of the Cultural Heritage contents….”